Caring For Your Textiles (Pt. 1): To Wash or Not to Wash

Caring For Your Textiles (Pt. 1): To Wash or Not to Wash

Sick of doing laundry? Oh, do we have news for you. To the everyday person, it may seem normal to wash your clothes every time you wear them. Most of the time, we don’t give it a second thought, it’s just the way we’ve always done it. But, hear us out: you might be ruining your garments ... yikes! 

We pay a lot for our favorite clothing items, so we should be care for them correctly. Besides, we all know how difficult it can be to part with your favorite sweater, even if it is falling apart at the seams. To prolong the life of your favorite items, focus on wearing them more and washing them less! Washing these pieces so frequently can put a lot of stress on them and cause fading, shrinkage, and piling when they may not even need the wash.  

To combat over-washing your clothes, run through the following questions the next time you go to throw something in the hamper: 

Does it really need to be washed? 
Don’t be ashamed of the “sniff test” to determine if your garments really need that wash. There are some clothing items like undergarments, socks, and athletic clothes that should be washed every time they’re worn. On the other hand, your jeans can last a handful of wears.  

If you’re not sure how often you can go without washing a garment, consider things like the breathability and tightness of the fabric. The more breathable the garment, the less it will hold in your natural body odorIf the garment has less contact with your body, the less your natural odors rub off on the garment making it no longer clean. 

Can I just spot treat? 
Just because you got a little bit of toothpaste on your shirt this morning doesn’t mean it needs to go straight in the washIn fact, it’s even better to treat stains directly after contact so spot treating is more effective. If you run into a small stain, just run your garment underneath some water, use a small amount of a laundry agent (if needed), rinse, and let air dry! 

Can this just be refreshed? 
Some clothes can get wrinkled with wear but can easily be refreshed to avoid putting it through another wash. Either just add water to the garment and hang to let air dry or apply linen spray and give it a quick iron.  

Is it worth the environmental impact? 
Being more mindful about sustainability can be helpful for our environment, and your utility bill! The next time you go to wash your garment, consider the environmental impact that follows with water and energy usage. If you must do that next load of laundry, consider using cold or warm water to save energy and hang your clothes instead of using the dryer. These small changes help to save your garments and your wallet! 


Let's wash less often and prolong the life of our favorite garmentsNot to mention, just think of all the things you could do with the time you’ll save from doing laundry.  

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