Our ISMs are everything to us at the Rock Family of Companies. These philosophies are what drive everything we do! Yes, that means our work here in the office, but our ISMs are not only about the way that we work. Our ISMs extend to our outlook in our daily lives and influence the way we live. To see just how far our personal connection to our ISMs reaches, we our team members:
Which ISM describes your wardrobe style?
Stevon Rendon
The ISM that would best fit my personal style is Ignore the Noise.
Having a background in the arts, specifically textile designs, I always had an inclination to fashion and how I express myself through the items I wear. However, for some my style may not be the status quo or what is trending currently within society, which may lead to internal thoughts of the items I wear not deemed acceptable. So, as we say within the FOC, we have to ignore the noise. Ignore those inner thoughts of doubt and what others may think of you. By ignoring the noise, I started to focus more on who I wanted to be and how I wanted to illustrate myself to the world, rather than how others would view me. This led to having more confidence in the choices of items I wore daily, and I enjoyed myself more in spaces and places with the items I wore. Many of us, myself included, can get caught up with what others may think about us - whether It be with a friend, coworker or stranger. If you are wearing something you feel awesome in, that awesomeness will show not only in the eyes of others, but also at an inner level within yourself. #Be your own style, not a trend.