Homemade Mask Tutorial
Hi, Friends!
These days cloth face coverings are becoming a commonplace accessory. Just as you might take a hat and sunglasses when leaving the house on a sunny afternoon, masks are becoming an essential item for additional protection. States like Michigan now even require face coverings for those that can medically tolerate one in any enclosed public space (Michigan Executive Order 15a).
Whether or not you’re social distancing in Michigan, the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain, especially in areas of significant community-based transmission (CDC Cloth Face Covers).
In the video below, Jeff Brown walks you through an easy tutorial on how to make a no-sew mask from a bandana and rubber bands. Don’t have those items on hand? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Try one of the following substitutes:
Cloth covering substitutes:
- Hand or dish towel
- Old t-shirt (cut to roughly 20” x 20” square)
- Scarf
Rubber band substitutes:
- Hair ties
- Elastic
- Shoelaces
It’s important to note that masks are an additional measure of precaution. It’s imperative that you still continue to practice other preventative measures, such as regularly washing your hands and observing proper social distance when in public (Cloth Face Covers FAQ – Q3).
For additional information on masks and general preventative practices, check out the following information provided by the CDC:
Stay safe,
Threads & The Detroit Ambassadors